Dear Friends, Family, & Community:
The world we live in is not always the world we want it to be, but that never stops us from trying to make it so. Our fight often feels like a loosing battle but I believe we lay new ground every day and that our voices and our lives are integral to combating the fear, ignorance and dangerous fundamentalism that pushes back against us.
I believe that the arts, in all their forms, are one of our most powerful tools for self reflection, community action, articulating vision and creating a new space for growth and change. Art has the power to not just strengthen our message but to empower each of us in our day to day struggles.
With that in mind I hope you will choose to support the queer experimental film Gold Moon, Sharp Arrow by Malic Amalya and Max Maitrice. Please email: malicamalya (at) gmail for more information.
Stay amazing,
Annie Terrell,
Producer Gold Moon, Sharp Arrow